Juan Luis Conde (2008) La lengua del imperio: la retórica del imperialismo en Roma y la globalización. Zumaque editorial.
I´d like to read this book when I finish my Arts studies. At the beginning, I was very disgusted because I don´t like to learn an imperial language… But suddenly, studying the book o[f Pearson (an excellent editorial) I understood that English cultivated people are trying to preserve their language… That, in any way, they feel that the «esperanto» that is now the English language is making disappear the real language, the Shakespeare language, a sacred language that, I suppose, can not be recognized by their native people. In consequence, I decided to learn English without protests.
This is going to be a entry where I am going to work with my writings. As I´m a very willful person, I´m studying English in three places al the same time. (Ha, ha, ha y requeteha). First, in That´s English, the Oficial School of Languages in Madrid. Second, in Cambridge Academy, with an excellent book from the same editorial where I use to buy the psicometric tests. And third, here, in the UOC´s Degree of Arts. The truth is that I never do my homework, but here, in the UOC, I have to do my homework… If I don´t learn, I will be a donkey: it could be a nice experience, I would be with Pinocho.
Am I going to be ridiculous with my faults? Not at all. I´m trying to improve, althought I have not time. The first exercise here, in UOC, is this: how to manage time.