To the lethal/ A lo letal


Bischofberger U (2025) Ventana de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Death is not a problem. -Es ley.
Problematic, the lethality of stained translucent plastic -que cubre el paquete de cerezas.
Problematic death of the seagull on the bare roof, without the sea. -Muertes en soledad, muertes llenas de angustia, injusta despedida.
Problematic malnutrition of sparrow chicks that do not grow -Con mano de acero, en China os llamaron «plaga».

I feel very sorry for those little sparrows that are no longer there, I go out with bread to look for them and there is no more. Where are they? Why aren’t they there? ¿Por qué, por qué, por qué, Dios mío, por qué?
I once saw a seagull that was a good distance from the beach, in the estuary. There it was, still. The others went up and down as if encouraging her to follow them, but she was there, still, I think she was going to die. It got dark and he didn’t leave. I think seagulls die in the sea, but I don’t know. No sé tantas cosas importantes, ¡No me las habéis enseñado! ¡He perdido el tiempo con tonterías!

In a place that has a bridge, protected but without human access, there was a bird, I don’t know what type. It was a completely pink sunset, and there it went on and on. He didn’t move, not even when I (Too bad!) went down the stairs to see what was happening to him. It walked away clumsily, but did not fly away, even though it was a timid bird. Torpeza del que cruzaba cielos henchido de alegría.

Death is not a problem, it is the law. ¡Muerte! No te temo en absoluto. Ven con tu guadaña.
The business of those who arrange the swollen sex of older women is problematic. Ese necio bisturí que baila al son que le tocan.
Problematic phosphor rabbit in the wave of profiting from nonsense. Ese vacuo que se hace llamar «artista» en soberbia presunción.
The queues and queues of old men and women for medical tests on the bus are problematic. Curar sí, pero no esquivar a la muerte. Cómo trazar la línea, ¿por dónde cortas, tijeras?

Death is not a problem, it is the law.
That the animal that dies goes away and dies slightly alone. Hazlo. Respeto. Espacio. Silencio. Calma. Space. Silence. Calm. Respect.
That white bird in that pink sunset with the thread of crying went out. Fue un hilo de voz, armonía.
That death, reformulated time, is just a time not lived and that’s it.

When I saw that there were people from this world who actively seek eternal youth, I was outraged. It cannot be that greed is also greed for life span. The greed that drives the medical science of rejuvenation and enlargement at all costs of the days.

The lethal thing is, again, something else.
Placenta residue to spread on the face.
The landfill! Oh! The landfill, museum of the vanal!
Lethal is to attend to whim and let what is important rot underneath.

When I have time, I will visit the landfills. When I stop studying for a while. I will look there, I don’t know what seeing the other side of things will do to me, this should be a must-see in all schools. Mothers Association! Be quiet! No, they are not going to go to a coastal town for three days… They are going to go: to the landfill one day; another, to the anthropology museum; another, slow and guided visit to the municipal park. In the afternoon, one day to jail, another to a nursing home, another to a cremation, and the rest free in the afternoon, «do what you want» afternoons. No se está preparando bien a los niños. El niño no es de porcelana. A lo mejor el neurocientífico no conoce bien al niño, pudiera ser…

What is lethal is the blow, the punch, the destruction without repair.
Lethal is the asphalt that puts an end to history and rots it.
Lethal is the smoke from the factory, which comes out at the same time as its workers, all residues of the product. Este humo es sólo una de las cosas letales, sólo una, una sola cosa… pero hay muchas, muchísimas más.
The production is lethal with everything it leaves aside.
Lethal is the exhaustion of the land.
Lethal, its fertilization that kills. Its blind management. The death of all – I say all – those small beings that balance.
Lethal is the comfortable option, the gag, the silence. The State is lethal, the little whim of the girl that the male satisfies is lethal.

Lethal dreams for wanting to perpetuate the youth lost by Nature, for jealousy, because the new one (who is coming) is pushing you (who is leaving much sooner than you want). The superficiality of culture is lethal.

– Leave me alone! -says Death. -Leave me alone once and for all!
Sin is lethal سين, and idolizing Nature is impossible: she speaks for herself. I don’t know why idolatry is punished so much in the Muslim religion, I have no idea, nor do I know if their cult of writing is idolatry. No sé tampoco por qué estoy tan descontenta, pero creo que a lo mejor hay motivos. Sorrow, sorrow, sorrow, sorrow.

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