Today, I am crying. Believe me. I am crying with emotion, because I can have access many texts that could otherwise had been inaccesible to me.
Hahahahaha I have just read the sentence at the beginning: «I want to read all the info on the internet«. And I started laughing!! (Sentence corrected by IA Copilotillo, as I call her.)
Module 3
there is a lot to study in the second part of module 3. I should take my notes for a walk and memorice, but I admit I never do. Sometimes, in Arabic, and I see that it is an important part of the process but memorizing is terrible, boring, horrible, gloomy, horrendous, terrifying (thank you for the words, AI, I am not going to study them, I´m sorry). But you should do it right now… Your masoquistic personality is very useful for playing with the task of memorizing! Let´s go!!!!
Dependent prepositions.
I am going to memorize this text that I have just compose for this.
DREAMING: Because I was a little afraid of flying,
I wasn’t worried about losing my shoes,
because I was only looking forward to seeing the city from here,
from the sun, from the clouds…
WAKING UP: Because
I get bored of using conventional phrases in my real life
I’m interested
in finding new ways of writing, and I write dreams…
It is not allowed to use AI in this subject. However, I love it her, I like that she corrects everything inmediatly, and although my faults are always the same, she doesn´t get nervous… Perhaps teachers should ask us what did AI correct you, and not: don´t use AI. And I would like very much a resource for improve pronunciation; it would be easy, a lot of English sentences that I must repeat and, If I don´t repeat exactly, I don´t reach the next one.
Thinking about cultures
- My culture is the best.
- Really?
- Absolutely.
- How do you know that?
- It´s easy. It´s mine.
- I totally agree. Mine is the best, also.
- Well, but my language is also the best.
- Why?
- Because it has more words than yours.
- Oh… Let´s see… I am going to start counting. One, one. Two, two… But the numbers are infinite, therefore we are tied.
- Err… Well… Ok. But I am taller than you.
- Ok. But as I am richer, we are again tied.
- Vaaaaaaaaaaalee. Vaaaaaaaaaaaaale. Tú gaaaaaaaaaanas. Pero mira yo cuantas aaaaaaaaaaaaa me saaaaaaaaaaaaaco de la maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanga.
Learning languages with my AI
(Thinking circularly, as Lewis Carroll. AI AI, you always will be my AI AI you always will be my AI AI you always will be my AI etc.)
The AI that knows how to lose. And apologizes!!! I keep translating, translating, back and forth, back and forth, and look what it gives me. No te uso en esta asignatura, pero te adoro, IA. Eres preciosa, IA, preciosísima. ¡Menudo robot bonito nos han inventado! Eres una maravilla IA. Eres mejor que los humanos, muchísimo más inocente.
Thoughts about pronunciation
I know that there are no English Teachers that like this kind of practice. But I did it. I DID IT. I wrote what I was, really, listening. And the experience was dramatical, terrific, tremendous… And this is the result. The result is that I have to read aloud for understanding; on the contrary, I don´t understand, but when I read aloud, I feel: Oh, yeah, it is that!
COSA MÍA. Esto no lo manda jamás un profesor de idioma. Pero es curiosísimo de hacer…
I posted this:
Hi everyone.
This is the firt time I have made a transcription of sounds in English. And I am extraordinarily surprised by the difference between what I use to heard and what sounds. And I find a guilthy: the schollar sistem.
I discover that I am not the responsible of been studying English sixty years and doing, all the time, the same faults; it is the schollar system, than taught me Group English, Written English. I remember myself, always, saying by myself: «YEAR» because, always, I was going to be evaluated by writing «year», and not by saying /yiar/.
I am sorry, but I have to express my opinion. I think, also, that one thing that helped me to understand this fact (and, notice, I am literally speaking inside me while I am writing, and I say «say» instead of /sey/) is to learn another language of difficult pronunciation, arabic language. I show you the difference between pronunciation and writing… Consequently, I have had to learn the ability of listen WHAT I AM REALLY LISTENING.
The third thing that I have discovered here, in Center for Modern Languages of the Open University of Catalonia, that I have never discovered before, is that the stress in the phrase is VERY important to sound as an English. Because of that, I would like that English were taught whith the stressed parts underlined, for example: Dei Livin Peris (They live in Paris), because, we, Spanish people, are going to say: They live in Paris because the stress is not being taught to us.
Thank you very much for reading me, and bye bye (/bai, bai/, je, je).
I think that learning the Arabic language is helping me to learn English. Because, as I said in this other post, there is no more option than to listen. You have not any other reference. The sound of the words, the sound standard of a the letters that you didn´t know before, and nothing more, whereas in English you have the sound of the words, the sound of the letters that you deeply associate with sounds from your childhood, the words that are almost equal in both languages that you, also, are associating. And, in addition, the type of writing is very similar: from left to right, with the latin alphabet… But it doen´t mean that the result, the language, is going to be similar at all. Look at what you are hearing and you will think that you are SuperMan or SuperWoman, SuperLearnerEnglishPerson or, better, SuperEnglishLanguageLearner.
Hay que reconocerlo: puede que llegue a hablar en inglés, pero hablar como un inglés… eso es otra cosa. Es un escan-da-lo. Es un escandalo. Es inverosímil que alguien de tan buena reputación como YO esté gritando, casi a la una de la madrugada, Lighthouse como una descosida. ¡Faro! ¡Faro! ¡Faaaroooo!
Invented phrases with idioms
Take the good things that you are told at face value is a bad habit.
I am handing over the reins of my life to my children.
When I am underground one hundred years, the truth of my life could come to light.
This year, I put on the map the need of English.
Work is said to be hand in hand with habilities.
Oral language.
I have to write a story with a lot of conditions (verbs, phrasal verbs, structure, previous exercises etc.)
This has been my story.
Open University of Catallonia, Barcelona.
Subject: English B2. 2
Module. 3. 1. Story
As this website had had the idea of making a recopilation of experiencies that we woud have when we go on a trip, I am going to colaborate. It is an excellent idea, something that only can come from a site that knows very well what a trip is. A trip as an ocassion for learning, as a moment for pleasure. However, overall, a trip is an experience, and therefore it must include discoveries and personal growth in it.. This happened to me a long time ago. It was my personal awakening in Los Molinos, a little town in Madrid, when I were only sixteen years old.
Two stupid and happy girls
Trip to Los Molinos
In 1976, I was already alive, and I have not still passed away in 1925. I was a little stupid, shy, silent sixteen-year-old adolescent with very long hair in head and unshaven legs, and an excellent student. This spring, I had just finished my bachelor´s degree honored in Philosophy and I wanted to see completly all the world. One day, I came across an old classmate, called xxxxx, that was very sad.
I said, with a big hug:
– Hi, dear xxxxxxxx! What´s wrong?
– I have experienced Boudism Zen… I have passed my exams, you know; I wanted to go to Los Molinos… They have been running a course of Zen Philosophy, I´d like to assist but I have had to spend all my money and…
I decided to help her out.
– Don´t cry – I answered, while openning my purse. – You will pick up all the experience, xxxxxx, I am going to lend you money, and even more: I´m going to go with you… I´m also interested in Philosophy… Where Los Molinos are?
– It´s a small town located here, in the Community of Madrid!
xxx changed her mood and I told her about my personal problems: how recently, I had gone through a difficult mental illness, and how right now I had been dealing with it. Next day, xxxxx and me, two stupid and happy girls, were on the bus singing, dreaming and eating fried potatoes as if we were authentically philosophers. This trip changed our lifes; I started studying Phylosophy seriously and she found the man that was going to be their companion forever. Mine, is still unencountered, but I keep on looking for him.
Past simple
Past continuous
Present Perfect
Past perfect
Phrasal verbs for experiences: underlined
Anexo Consultas que he hecho a Copilot (subrayadas en amarillo las utilidades)
1. ¿Esto está bien dicho en inglés? Porque sé que los calificativos hay que ordenarlos de alguna manera particular. No te preocupes por los errores, Copilot.
I was only a shy, silent and good-student sixteen years old, shy sixteen years old girl.
2. Palabras en el diccionario.
Unshaven. Sin depilar.
Bachillerato. Bachellor degree.
Monedero. Purse.
Go through. Experience something difficult or umpleasant.
Experienced in. Estar experimentando.
Pick up. Aprender mediante la experiencia.
Come across. Encontrarse con alguien por casualidad.
Deal with. Encargarse de algo.
Pass away. Morir
Help out. Ofrecer asistencia
This is the first. I have to continue doing exercises and, after, I will post what I learnt.
Hi everyone!
I have now, as @xxxxxx said, a list of phrasal verbs, but I am unable to learn it. These are the phrasal verbs of CA3, first part… And these is a linkLinks to an external site. for studying it. I am going to try to use them in the story, so I will learn them. The most important lesson in this lesson has been that phrasal verbs are essential in English language.
All the best,
Recoger |
pick up |
Ceder |
cave in |
Ayudar |
help out |
Animar |
cheer up |
Salir con la tuya |
get away with |
Cuidar |
look after |
Fallecer |
pass away |
Superar |
go through |
Bajar |
get down |
Derribar |
put down |
Superar |
get over |
Mentira |
bring up |
Animarse |
cheer up |
Invitar a salir |
ask out |
Romper |
broke up |
Ayudar |
help out |
Decepcionar |
let down |
Rendirse |
give up |
Pasar por alto |
blow over |
Aparecer |
turn up |
Two answers to other´s stories.
Hi, xxxxxxxxxx
You look very happy and lucky! I think that the real responsible of your good luck, respect the work permits and the residence, is the person that took you when you were hitchhiking. Respect your life, you, that seems to me a very hardworking person, and your attitude, that seems to be faily quite and positive, when you tell us about the snow and your feelings of peace. And the third factor is, not doubt at all, the fact of that you come together with another person, your husband.
Anyway, xxxxx, ttttttt is your place; there is an old tale about four brothers that save a princess together, and argue about who of them must get married… But the rescue has been of all of them. It is the same in your case: you, your husband, tttttttttt… are as a constelation of factors that made your happiness. Congratulations!
All the best,
Hello, xxxxxxx
My xxxx has your name! It is nice to meet you again. I have seen your drawings, are spectacular. I strongly recommend you to continue drawing every day, as a deep habit…
Regarding to your travel, I don´t understand most of your concepts.
– I don´t understand what seems to you «authentic». Does it mean not global? Because, you know, «authentics» are everything that surround you and ,me.
– I think that the idea of people relaxing, natural, calm etc. is a little topical. I don´t know, may be I am wrong. But I have seen the news about Thailand, for answering your post, and I have seen horrible things, exactly as in other places on the world…
– I don´t trust, either, that monks of budist temples are non-material at all. See this… to be a monk must be a way of survive, the same happens all over the world.
Anyway: you enjoyed, and that is the important thing. Also, Meditation skill is demonstrately effective. So, xxxxx, congratulations! You found two very important reasons for traveling: to enjoy, and to discover new ways for keeping healthy.
All the best.
Hello, xxxxxxxx
🙂 It seems to me that you were: firstly, a little young and careless in the beginning of the story with your ddddddd. And secondly, a little ageist, when you call her «a grandmother» and, also, «stubborn». I deduce that the relation-ship between you both is not totally good… It is very usual!. Anyway, when someone starts fifties (it means, when you were forty one, forty two, forty three etc.) will start understanding older people. Maybe, you are coming to this age…
Everyone is going to be older, and you and me too. And also our sons and daughters… I would not like, xxxxxxxx, to be called «grandma» instead of «Úrsula». Age is an incidental circunstance, and think: you will be also a «stubborn grandmother» -or, simply, «older xxxxxxx». Whatever you want. You choose!!
All the best,
Hello, xxxxxxxxxx
An increible dream, a boyfriend, the trip of your dreams, the desert, Marrakech, an authentic palace, a dromedary, a delicious meal, candellight, tradicional songs… Wonderful. However, none of them seem to be teaching you to “enjoy little things”, as you say… In adittion, I think that Moroccan people wouldn´t like that you call their place “the middle of nowhere”. I am sure.
Anyway, I am happy because you enjoyed your trip. The desert has a lot of animals and events, as you can see here and here, but, as a matter of fact, we cannot see them, consequently they are invisible (as if it were its quality) to us.
All the best,
Module 2
I have to write an article, and some answers to various classmates. Without AI. At the end of this course, I will correct this post with AI, but, by the moment, it is plenty of faults.
CRACK of the digital world
Our cotidian life is full of technology: movil devices, computers, the Internet, virtual jobs, apps for banks, online stores, emails… Apparently, these things are the digital world; however, there are more things that all the people should realize if they wants to know what type of world we are, and what would happen if, one horrible day, the digitality broken down and our world, the digital world, stopped.
First of all, and attending the public sphere, we should think that all the companys, statal and privates, use tech for everythink in all areas, therefore traffic, control of electricity and water, supermarkets, health sistem, security places, frontiers, airports, cannals of food transport… everything would make a terrible crack; in addition, violence and crime would advanced.
Secondly, attending to your private area, don´t hesitate: if your mobile phone didn´t work or you couldn´t navegate or whatever, it wouldn´t be important at all compared with the enourmeous effects of the lack of connectivity in the public sphere. Whereas you have the Internet, you use to think that a life tech-free would be wonderful: a lot of time, a natural environment tech-free, an utopical life and so on…
But on the contrary and in conclusión: our world is digital, not only our mobile. In spite of the wonderful life that you imagine, tha lack of tech would be a terrible situation, and it would be wise to pray for this not happen. [Y, en el último momento, le he agregado un tercer condicional, porque no lo tengo aún del todo claro pero creo que está bien.] In adition: if any other dissaster happens, please believe that this particular dissaster is horrible, but it would have been worst if the digital world had made crash.
First answer
Hello, xxxx
You mention the difficultty that we would have for family comunication and for making plans if we hadn´t mobile devices. After that, you mention the difficult situation that would be to work without computer, giving examples: handwriting, looking for places in paper maps, etc.
But you doesn´t consider that, in this case, the other people would be in the same situation. As a result, the total consequences of not- digital interactions would be much higher than the consequences that you depict.
All the best,
Second answer
Hi, xxx
I agree with you in considering the both faces of this question. On one hand, you save time and has more opportunities; but on the other, you loose the opportunity of share.
When we share real spaces with other people, we share ideas, but not only ideas: also gestuality, smeels, little behaviors -and also microorganisms. You know that the «microbiota» that lives in our body, specially in the intestine, has a strong effect in our nervous sistem. Because of that (that is said by serious sources), in any way (I don´t know how) to share a real space is an experience more powerful that we imagine.
In conclusion: I valorate a lot the importance of the topic that you have choose related to the implications of the relation-ships in person and virtual.
All the best,
Third answer
Hello, Sergi!
I feel very happy meeting one person who values technology. Me too, me too and me too. I strongly disagree with all these people that think that they would be happier running in the grass with cows. First of all, because if a cow gets sick, I don´t know, may be this person is going to practice running. And this person, always happy, is going to run and run until get to the vet. After that, the person and the vet, both running, are going to go to the place where the cow is.
And, secondly, if the cow is very sick, may be the vet need to go to their space to take some pils, and again and again both, the vet and the person, run and run, take the pils, and run and run.
In conclusion: the lack of technology makes us to practice sports, but may be this lack is a little unconfortable, and can makes a normal person becomes a runner.
All the best,
PD. The car is affected by the lack of digital technology because all the digital world, without digital devices, would CRASH, as I said in my article.
Forth answer
I agree with xxx, vvvvv Also I tried to connect you, but you didn´t wanted me to connect you: even in the digital word, connections depens on willing. It is interesting what you say about Google Maps, because is one of the activities that we neglect because of the AI. But don´t be afraid: if the Internet stopped, the traffic would be impressing, the weather unpredictable, the food wouldn´t arrive to your home, the electricity would fail… but, always, you would find a good person that showed you the ways.
Best regards,
I wish exercise
What is one thing you wish you (or someone else) had done differently in your life? Explain how the past would have been different (3rd Conditional) and how the present would be different (Mixed Conditional) if this had happened.
Looking for a tandem partner
[Doing extrange things, as I do always and anywhere, because if nothing happens, life doesn´t exist.]
And, finally, trying to show that I am very upset
If you are going to offer yourself as a partner, why don´t, firstly, answer my offer?
(Horrible and deep dispair inside me.)
Anyone free? Anyone that is looking for a partner?
I am offering myself as a partner. It seems horrible, repit once again and again if anyone wants to be my partner. I have been answering a lot, the reason is that I would like to conect with anyone, but nobody answer me.
I am starting to feel that I am not in the right place…
If you are going to offer yourself as a partner, why don´t, firstly, answer my offer? -I ask myself, without expecting answer and with horrible and deep despair.
Listenning (very difficult) and Module 2 is finished.
What I have learnt
Hi everyone.
The most important thing that I have learnt in this module is the way of Steve Jobs. I didn´t know his life, and what happen with this awfull called Cuingly, and I have enjoyed with this story.
As you can see in the attach, I have learnt nouns and verbs, but particularly phrasal verbs. I am studying arabic language, that is very difficult, and I dedicate specifical time to memorice. I think that I am going to do the same with Phrasal verbs, because it seems to me to be the most difficult part of English.
It has been very useful the part related to how to get a job.
All the best,
If I had studied more, and wroten less, I could have memorized all these things. But as I am writing and writing and swimming and swimming and posting and posting, it doesn´t happen. If I had studies more, I might have slept better. But the world doesn´t mind how I sleep… The world is only interested in third conditional.
Juan Luis Conde (2008) La lengua del imperio: la retórica del imperialismo en Roma y la globalización. Zumaque editorial.
I´d like to read this book when I finish my Arts studies. At the beginning, I was very disgusted because I don´t like to learn an imperial language… But suddenly, studying the book o[f Pearson (an excellent editorial) I understood that English cultivated people are trying to preserve their language… That, in any way, they feel that the «esperanto» that is now the English language is making disappear the real language, the Shakespeare language, a sacred language that, I suppose, can not be recognized by their native people. In consequence, I decided to learn English without protests.
This is going to be a entry where I am going to work with my writings. As I´m a very willful person, I´m studying English in three places al the same time. (Ha, ha, ha y requeteha). First, in That´s English, the Oficial School of Languages in Madrid. Second, in Cambridge Academy, with an excellent book from the same editorial where I use to buy the psicometric tests. And third, here, in the UOC´s Degree of Arts. The truth is that I never do my homework, but here, in the UOC, I have to do my homework… If I don´t learn, I will be a donkey: it could be a nice experience, I would be with Pinocho.
Am I going to be ridiculous with my faults? Not at all. I´m trying to improve, although I have no time. The first exercise here, in UOC, is this: how to manage time.